Fellowship Membership




Proof of no less than 10 sustaining and official members of the Church/Fellowship must be provided. The Church/Fellowship must be legally recognized within the state and/or country in which it operates by proper and active registration or incorporation as a non-profit or religious entity, approved to operate within that jurisdiction.

Appropriate documentation will be required. The Church/Fellowship must provide an “Official Statement” that it is in agreement with the principles and faith statements of the Unitarian Christian faith as presented by the UCCA and the UCCA Platform, and that the Church/Fellowship operates as an independent congregational Church/Fellowship without answering to any other denominational authorities.

After the application is made other information may be required to complete the process. Church/Fellowship Members are not “Churches/Fellowships” sanctioned, planted or supported by the UCCA, they are independent affiliates only. As a Church/Fellowship Member, your church will receive by mail

a certificate for framing and display
Written permission to publicly state your affiliation with the UCCA
your name and contact information will be included in our “Affiliated Church/Fellowship Members Roster” which is available on line.
You will receive electronic copies of our Magazine and News Letter as they are published, with permission to physically reproduce these for internal Church/Fellowship use, when done so without financial gain of any kind.
Advertising space is also available to our Church/Fellowship Members in both publications. We will be offering other “Church/Fellowship Member” services and products as our ministry grows. These items will include instructional materials for all ages, sermon helps, and many others.


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